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Your tax deductible donation will help bring new and exciting plays, musicals and performances to East Texas.
As well as our summer Kidz Act Camp!
Angelina Community Theatre is a registered 501c Non-Profit.
Support us and support the arts!

Want to volunteer with us?
Please drop us a message and our volunteer coordinator will be in touch!

President: Erin Gentry
Vice President: Jessie Licht
Secretary: Shelby Brown
Interim Treasurer: Kristine Mize
House Manager/Fundraising Coordinator: Misty Deggs
Members at Large:
TaKisha Kegler
Shidana Dixon
Nicole Stewart
Samantha Johnson
Joshua Gentry
The Angelina Community Theatre’s purpose is to afford opportunities for cultural and artistic enrichment in East Texas by providing a venue for local talent to produce live theatre for the entertainment of diverse audiences. Our goal is to educate both youth and adults in all aspects of the theatre and to encourage volunteers to learn and showcase their skills, both on and off the stage. ACT’s mission is to provide a place for the citizens of Angelina County and outlying areas, regardless of economic status or ethnicity, to have a place to learn basic theatrical skills, as well as to have performances for the community.